Friday, March 30, 2007

9 Month Checkup

Andrew is 22 lbs 13 oz and 30.1 inches long. He's in 12-18 month old clothes. He's healthy and loves to eat. We will be feeding him 2 meals instead of just one and start trying to get him to drink from a cup. He just loves his bottle (just like his mama).

He is rolling around and does an army crawl. He will grunt when he wants something. He says "mama", "papa", "nene" (baby in Spanish). He is constantly screeching or blowing raspberries or babbling. He loves all black cords and we have to put them up when he is around. He is intrigued by the laptop and wants to hold it when we pull it out.

He loves his cereal mixed with juice and all vegetables and fruits. It's actually taken awhile for him to embrace fruits. He just really liked vegetables for the first month or so of eating solids. He loves vanilla custard (actually I LOVE vanilla custard!)

He wakes up smiling and will usually go down around 6:30 pm without too much fuss. Lately he has been waking up at 11:00 pm and again around 3 or 4 am. We are hoping it's just teething and he will start sleeping through the night or waking up just once. He actually slept through the night lastnight, but I didn't, I of course thought he was dead and checked him at 4 am. He was sleeping soundly with his bumb in the the air

His favorite thing is just being on the floor with his toys and rolling all over the house to explore new nicks and crannies. He is intrigued by the curtain that covers the stairs--he always rolls there atleast once a day.

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