Monday, July 21, 2008

Quickie Update

  • Sleeps in toddler bed
  • Gave up his babas so that other babies could enjoy them (he helped pack them in a box and then we put them in the mailbox for the mailman to bring them to the needy babies)
  • Will lick your face if you ask him for a puppy dog kiss
  • Is picking up a couple of new words a week. Yesterday he started asking for a "bite" of our food.
  • Says "mine"
  • Is in size 2T pants and 3T shirts and size 7 shoe
  • Has excema? on his knees and thighs, will be seeing a dermatologist in Augsut for a diagnosis
  • Still loves chocolate. He will eat Cocoa Crispies mixed with a healthy cereal if we tell him he can eat chocolate for breakfast. That is usually the first word out of his mouth in the morning....Goggit?
  • Is obsessed with cars. In the car, he will say "cao" everytime a car passes us.
  • Loves to bake with Mama on Sundays. He cracks the egg in one hand and I have to fish out the egg shells.
  • Will take a taste of EVERYTHING when my back is turned. Tasted the raw egg yesterday from the brownies we were making.
  • Loves to sing in the nursery and will do all the hand motions and words to "The Wheels on the Bus" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"
  • On Saturday, Sister Sparks looked at Andrew and said, "He looks just like Matt". I have always thought this, especially when he was younger, but I guess it is still true!